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Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max 256GB Gold

Location :

Selangor , Selangor

Condition :

Good as new

Asking price :
RM 800
Shipping :

Package per item

Payments :


About Monica Smith

WhatsApp +447452275797

Member since 06-01-2015

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1518 times viewed since 24 June 2021  Save as favorite  Flag as inappropriate


All Apple iPhones Are Brand New, Unlocked, Factory sealed, Comes With Guarantee Directly From Companies and also Comes with A 30 Days Money Back Policy In case Anything Happens In the Future After Purchase..... Well we offer international standard warranty with full acceptance for replacement or full refund of money back. As soon as final conclusions are done from your side We are distributors of both wholesales and retails , Brand New , Sealed , Factory Unlocked products 1-2 Years international standard Warranty We give maximum guarantee for safe delivery of order placed with us. Please contact us today if interested: Skype:.. electronicstoresuk E-mail:.. WhatsApp: (+)447741917485

Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max 256GB Gold
Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max 256GB Gold


Shipping: Package per item
State: Good as new
Payment: Cash
Model Family: Apple iPhone 6
Features: Wireless Compatibility, 4G LTE Enabled, Built-In GPS, Virtual QWERTY, Touch Screen, Dual Front/Rear Cameras, Internet/Email, Voice Activated, Text Messaging
Wireless Capability: 4G LTE
Color: other

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