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Sony PlayStation 4 Slim 1TB Console - Jet Black - Bundle

Location :

Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur

Condition :

Good as new

Asking price :
RM 960
Shipping :

Package per item

Payments :





Member since 07-09-2019

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369 times viewed since 18 January 2023  Save as favorite  Flag as inappropriate


Bundle Description:Comes with 6 games and extra control
Type:Home Console
Model:Sony PlayStation 4 Slim
Features:Blu-Ray Compatible, Wi-Fi Capability, Internet Browsing
Storage Capacity:1 TB
What's Included
DualShock 4 wireless controller
HDMI cable
Mono headset
Power cable
Sony PlayStation 4 1TB Console
Comes with 6 games and extra control

item here was BRAND NEW SEALED ,original and authentic,We don't sell refurbished or clone
comes with 12 months LOCALSET WARRANTY,guarantee and original receipts
we send out all items within 24hrs
WHAT-SAPP AT 60147565048 For Quick Response

Sony PlayStation 4 Slim 1TB Console - Jet Black - Bundle
Sony PlayStation 4 Slim 1TB Console - Jet Black - Bundle
Sony PlayStation 4 Slim 1TB Console - Jet Black - Bundle
Sony PlayStation 4 Slim 1TB Console - Jet Black - Bundle
Sony PlayStation 4 Slim 1TB Console - Jet Black - Bundle
Sony PlayStation 4 Slim 1TB Console - Jet Black - Bundle
Sony PlayStation 4 Slim 1TB Console - Jet Black - Bundle


Shipping: Package per item
State: Good as new
Payment: Wiretransfer
Type: PlayStation 4
Region Code: Region-Free
Bundled Items: Game(s)

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